Products & services available:
General Liability
Products Completed Operations
Professional Liability or Errors & Omissions
Umbrella & Excess Liability
Workers Compensation
Commercial Auto
Employment Practices / Directors & Officers
Inland Marine
Ocean Cargo
Fidelity & Surety Bonds
What you can expect when using Shield National:
Alleviate the pain WE KNOW you have with your current broker
Provide a tailored insurance portfolio to meet your specific needs
24-hour turnaround on all requests
Uniquely customized coverage for every policy quoted
15 -30 percent savings
Protect your Largest Asset
Commercial Insurance
Whatever the stage of your business, we have an insurance solution for you.
Like any aspect of your business, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to your insurance needs. At Shield National, we understand that you have a diverse set of insurance needs, and we offer an expansive choice of commercial policies for your business. Our ability to provide an all-inclusive insurance portfolio for our clients is one of the reasons why we are the premier business insurance agency
Risks we insure:
Architects & Engineers
Healthcare Equipment
Assisted Living Facilities
Hospitals/Medical Centers
Building Owners (Lessors Risk)
420 W 1500 S Suite 102
Bountiful UT, 84010
Tel: 888-508-2435
Fax: 801-980-9217
Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm (MST)
Closed: Saturday & Sunday